Broken Build
This guide provides you steps to troubleshoot and to resolve the issue where your Jan is stuck in a broken build after installation.
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
1. Uninstall Jan
Delete Jan from your /Applications
2. Delete Application Data, Cache, and User Data
# Step 1: Delete the application data
## Newer versions
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/jan
## Versions 0.2.0 and older
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/jan-electron
# Step 2: Clear application cache
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/jan*
# Step 3: Remove all user data
rm -rf ~/jan
3. Additional Step for Versions Before 0.4.2
If you are using a version before 0.4.2
, you need to run the following commands:
ps aux | grep nitro
# Looks for processes like `nitro` and `nitro_arm_64`, and kill them one by one by process ID
kill -9 <PID>
4. Download the Latest Version
Download the latest version of Jan from our homepage.
1. Uninstall Jan
To uninstall Jan on Windows, use the Windows Control Panel.
2. Delete Application Data, Cache, and User Data
# You can delete the `/Jan` directory in Windows's AppData Directory by visiting the following path `%APPDATA%\Jan`
cd C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming
rmdir /S jan
3. Additional Step for Versions Before 0.4.2
If you are using a version before 0.4.2
, you need to run the following commands:
# Find the process ID (PID) of the nitro process by filtering the list by process name
tasklist | findstr "nitro"
# Once you have the PID of the process you want to terminate, run the `taskkill`
taskkill /F /PID <PID>
4. Download the Latest Version
Download the latest version of Jan from our homepage.
1. Uninstall Jan
- Linux
- Debian / Ubuntu
- Others
To uninstall Jan, you should use your package manager's uninstall or remove option.
This will return your system to its state before the installation of Jan.
This method can also reset all settings if you are experiencing any issues with Jan.
To uninstall Jan, run the following command.MDXContent
sudo apt-get remove jan
# where jan is the name of Jan package
This will return your system to its state before the installation of Jan.
This method can also be used to reset all settings if you are experiencing any issues with Jan.
To uninstall Jan, you can uninstall Jan by deleting the .AppImage
If you wish to completely remove all user data associated with Jan after uninstallation, you can delete the user data at ~/jan
This method can also reset all settings if you are experiencing any issues with Jan.
2. Delete Application Data, Cache, and User Data
# You can delete the user data folders located at the following `~/jan`
rm -rf ~/jan
3. Additional Step for Versions Before 0.4.2
If you are using a version before 0.4.2
, you need to run the following commands:
ps aux | grep nitro
# Looks for processes like `nitro` and `nitro_arm_64`, and kill them one by one by process ID
kill -9 <PID>
4. Download the Latest Version
Download the latest version of Jan from our homepage.
By following these steps, you can cleanly uninstall and reinstall Jan, ensuring a smooth and error-free experience with the latest version.
Before reinstalling Jan, ensure it's completely removed from all shared spaces if it's installed on multiple user accounts on your device.