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How to Integrate Discord Bot with Jan

Discord bot can enhances your discord server interactions. By integrating Jan with it, you can significantly boost responsiveness and user engaggement in your discord server.

To integrate Jan with a Discord bot, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Clone the repository

To make this integration successful, it is necessary to clone the discord bot's repository.

Step 2: Install the Required Libraries

After cloning the repository, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 3: Set the Environment

  1. Create a copy of .env.example.
  2. Change the name to .env.
  3. Set the environment with the following options:
DISCORD_BOT_TOKENGenerate a new Discord application at, obtain a token from the Bot tab, and enable MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT.
LLMFor Jan, set to local/openai/(MODEL_NAME), where (MODEL_NAME) is your loaded model's name.
CUSTOM_SYSTEM_PROMPTAdjust the bot's behavior as needed.
CUSTOM_DISCORD_STATUSSet a custom message for the bot's Discord profile. (Max 128 characters)
ALLOWED_CHANNEL_IDSEnter Discord channel IDs where the bot can send messages, separated by commas. Leave blank to allow all channels.
ALLOWED_ROLE_IDSEnter Discord role IDs allowed to use the bot, separated by commas. Leave blank to allow everyone. Including at least one role also disables DMs.
MAX_IMAGESMax number of image attachments allowed per message when using a vision model. (Default: 5)
MAX_MESSAGESMax messages allowed in a reply chain. (Default: 20)
LOCAL_SERVER_URLURL of your local API server for LLMs starting with local/. (Default: http://localhost:5000/v1)
LOCAL_API_KEYAPI key for your local API server with LLMs starting with local/. Usually safe to leave blank.

Step 4: Insert the Bot

Invite the bot to your Discord server using the following URL:

Replace CLIENT_ID with your Discord application's client ID from the OAuth2 tab

Step 5: Run the bot

Run the bot by using the following command in your command prompt:
